
Showing posts from October, 2022

A Little Inspiro-Porn*

God! I LOVE this video! Trikes helping to keep disabled riders riding. Watch out especially for the visually impaired guy who follows his friend's trike by way of her flashing red light. This is about creating/restoring ability, imaginatively.

I am also here... @crunchysteve Anyway, haven't had a lot to say lately, not since the steerer brace was printed, because I cannot rely on the weather to stay dry enough to take the welder outside and practice on some scraps. More news of the build when this freak, months long weather event fucks off.

I am also here... @crunchysteve


Major feature from The Guardian today: We're headed for, " irreversable climate breakdown ." Yet another #wearefucked moment. For 50 years I've been watching the climate issue evolve into a catastrophe. First joining a science focussed environment club in high school (1972), run by the best science teacher I ever had, where we discussed the impacts of carbon gasses (CO2 and methane) on the atmosphere and how sewage in waterways released enough methane to warm the planet by a degree. Science knew this stuff well enough 50 years ago that it was already in high school extracurriculars. 50 years ago. When we could have easily prevented it if the politicians had cared. They clearly still don't. Later, in my 20s, I campaigned as rank and file in the fight to save Tasmania's wild rivers. I re-read the Erlich's book, "The Population Bomb." (I fist read it at 9 but it kind of didn't sink in back then.) I watched the early signs of coral bleaching i

An Artist After My Own Heart

Riding home via St Georges Rd, Preston, just near the Melbourne Polytechnic campus, I discovered this... Balls, this Xac has aplenty! the time it would have taken, in full view of traffic, to paint the drain vent such a solid black! I dips me lid! Well done, dude!

Right, Meds Dose Back to Original, No More Dizzies, Back On The Bike!

Trying to get distance and stamina back after a heart attack is hard. Trying to know just what is feeling off-colour and actual chest discomfort is harder. So, after an unexpected ambulance ride (AGAIN!), my beta blocker got doubled. And Fark! The dizzies!!! Some examples. I'll stand up, then have to sit down again, immediately. After recovery, I stand up more slowly and go do the thing... what thing? I'll be enjoying a ride, well hydrated, not too cold, not too hot, not too fast, not too slow, then I arrive at my destination... Wait, oh jeez, lean on the bike, LEAN ON THE BIKE!!! What? That ride? 5km at 20km/h. Did I mention range curtailment?! Anyway, in the words of Farnsworth, "Great news everybody!" My cardiologist pulled the dose back to 2.5mg. OK, you don't care, I get it. You will when you're my age, you freakin' millenials. As you were. I have just recently pulled off a downhill 10k ride where the lean on the bike panic was less than the above

Art Piece

I love to give my art as a gift. This piece is called "Eternal Tealight #1." Not for sale, sent out in the world to fend for itself.

One Tool Working, Another Tool Completed

I was wondering how true a wooden jig would be for building my steering crossmember. This part has to be as accurate as I can get it or the steering will pull to one side. Then I managed to again breathe life back into my cheapest, nastiest 3D printer, a Sinus T1 clone. Steering head jig completed. Perfect!


I have managed to get one of my 4 printers working, my cheap-assed, AU$150 delta. It's still the most reliable printer I have. I have a pair of expensive (on my budget) Creality Ender 3 Pros, and they are hard fucking work. Break down just about every second job. The Sinus T1 delta that just keeps ticking, it's still running orginal belts and wheels. I've only ever needed to replace heatblocks and nozzles. You can't get these printers for love no money anymore, 'cause I'd have a hundred of them now if they still made them. My first ever printer, has been even more vexed. Although, lately I've had some success with a direct drive E3D v6 hotend. This eats a little of the print height, but this is the first reliable hotend I've found. It's what the delta came with, stock. About as simple as you get. Trouble is, this Prusa i3 clone needs new linear bearings and I've been chasing parts for the trike build lately. The worst printer is the best print

Gamestop: Why I'm a Marxist #183674809. The "Meat Hack."

Gunna be "edgie" here - most of the redditors caught and burned on the Gamstop run? White, or at least no more than brown, but all, every single one, bourgoise AS FUCK. Watch this doco ... (declaration: I'm white, I'd look to most people as bourgoise, I am an ally to race, I was aspirational working class all my life until I retired early due to a downsize. I've always been a marxist, as in the teachings of Karl Marx, not Soviet or Chinese pseudo Marxism, which are both shining examples of fascism.) This is capitalism's endless scam: make the invester feel like they're the customer, but they're really the suckling pig, being slaughtered by the broker (the butcher) for consumption by a hedge fund (A fat, full grown pig) or some other worshiper at the alter of greed. Retail traders are class traitors, the worst examples of what BIPOC Americans call "Wypipo." What sensible people from an underclass would waste good money on a phone app ponzi