Workshop Spring
(Crosspost from

Wow! What a productive couple of weeks in the workshop. (Not "the \'shop", In Australia, a shop is where you buy bread and milk. Light industrial work happens in a workshop. Ignorant #seppos.*) I have repaired a picnic table as light work table, mounted my drill press on a mobile trolley on casters, started redesigning and building my robot drums, begun turning my 240x180x50 CNC router "toy" into a 1000x500x50 CNC tool, got my trusty Ender 3 upgraded to linear rails and 32 bit control, running Marlin (the latest at time of writing) and printed some of said drum robart parts.

In all of that, I have modified my new trigger clamps to work interchangeably with clapming force or spreading force. Used the old 18x240 T-slot bed from the "toy" CNC as my drill press table AND mounted the cross slide on that with T-nuts, so that I can clamp jobs or do fine jobs or high accuracy jobs. It's like my ADHD staged a coup on my autism and decided to be productive!

On the design side, I have tested both kick and stick mech on my kick and snare, have found suitable MOSFET control modules for $2 a board in quantities of 5, started to test some basic code, wondered if ESP-NOW protocol might mean easy pairing and latency-free coms between the MIDI input and control electronics and the individual stick and beater drivers and drunk a lot of coffee.

punctuation Above mentioned kick drumrobot drums kick mech test. punctuation

Yeah, bit braggy, but it makes a change from ("compensates for"?) imposter syndrome. I'm feeling like a few of my projects actually have a future. Oh, and I'm back on the bike this week, after a terrible winter where I've just hidden indoors. Spring is in the air.

Think I even have the hi-hat operation "nut" cracked, too. Bimobile cymbals! At rest, both are in "sizzle" position, held barely touching by springs. For open position, the mech will pull the bottom cymbal down. For closed, the mech will pull the top cymbal down. "Tiss," "ting" and "tap," respectively. As in the classic disco hi-hat, "Tissup tissup tissup tissup."

That is all

Crosspost from


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